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大人物合唱團 (Mr. Big) - Live From Milan 2018 (2018)
大人物合唱團 (Mr. Big) - Live From Milan 2018
發 音:英語
字 幕:無
Following the release of their 2017 album, 'Defying Gravity', Mr. Big set out on a tour that took them all over the world to promote the new release in a live setting. Anyone who has ever had the distinct pleasure of seeing the band live knows that the virtuoso musicianship and incredible vocals are on full display in this setting. By this time, drummer Pat Torpey's battle with Parkinson's Disease had been made public, but Pat toured with the band regardless and sat behind the drum kit for select songs, while also providing background vocals, tambourine, etc. on other tracks when Matt Starr was taking his turn on the kit. Captured in Milan, Italy, 'Live From Milan' has a tracklisting that will surely satisfy long-time and newer fans of the band, and of course contains bass and guitar solos from the always entertaining and awe inspiring Billy Sheehan and Paul Gilbert, respectively. Sadly, this was one of Pat Torpey's last performances with the band as he passed away from complications due to Parkinson's in early 2018. The set captures a special moment in time for the band and also serves as a 'greatest hits' of sorts as they hit on all their classic songs from the early albums as well as revered material from newer releases.
Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy
American Beauty
Alive And Kickin’
Just Take My Heart
Take Cover
Green-Tinted Sixties Mind
Everybody Needs A Little Trouble
Price You Gotta Pay
Paul’s Solo
Open Your Eyes
Wild World
Damn I’m In Love Again
Rock And Roll Over
Around The World
Billy’s Solo
Addicted To That Rush
To Be With You
Colorado Bulldog
Defying Gravity
Credits |